Dylan Greaves is a grump who has sworn off women. He discovered his wife had been lying to him for years so that she could live a comfortable life, and then proceeded to cheat on him with any man that would have her. There was no way he was ever going to trust another woman again.
Robin Caites could be grumpy. After selling her blog, making herself a very wealthy woman, she also discovers the man she married had been cheating on her from the very beginning. Now she's divorced and has sworn off men.
When Buttercup, his rescued Jack Russell, kept escaping into Robin's private garden, he had no choice but to retrieve her. In doing so, Dylan can't quite get his neighbor out of his head. After he sees the renovations she has done to her house, he asks her if she'll do his. Only, a simple kitchen repair turns into a nightmare.
Robin has to open her home to her neighbor. Dylan is very much a man, and so far, breaks down her walls. When his forgotten anniversary present is ready to be cashed in, Dylan takes Robin away to a private island for peace and relaxation. That's not all that happens—the chemistry between them has been sizzling.
Have the houses struck again, or when they get back to their normal lives will these two grumpy neighbors return to hating one another?