PC PowerPlay is Australia's original and best-selling PC games magazine. Offering a mix of games and hardware coverage, the magazine gives a complete picture for the PC entertainment enthusiast. Inside is breaking news of new games, detailed previews of upcoming games, and advice to help readers make sense of the array of hardware and tech products that hit the market each month. PC Powerplay doesn’t just promote tech, it benchmarks and analyses it to help gamers make the most intelligent purchasing decision they can.
PC Powerplay
PC Powerplay
The PC PowerPlay team
STARR-MAKING ROLE • Final Fantasy XVI's BEN STARR talks becoming a meme and dating summons
Highs & Lows
RUN IT BACK • MARVEL VS CAPCOM: INFINITE & BEYOND wants to take you for a ride
WHEN'S MAHVEL? • An (incomplete) history of Marvel vs Capcom
EMOTION CONTROLS • Until Then director MICKOLE KLEIN NULUD on creating characters that the player cares for
THE CRYING GAMES • I'm not crying, you're… OK, I am
A NEW GEN OF JRPG • The inside scoop on the much-anticipated ROMANCING SAGA 2: REVENGE OF THE SEVEN
JRP-GET IN MY TROLLEY • A closer look at the game's impressive special edition
METAL GEAR SOLID DELTA: SNAKE EATER • A fanatically faithful remake of a bona fide classic
STALKER 2: HEART OF CHORNOBYL • A gorgeous reimagining of the first game's atmosphere
AVOWED • It's the differences that make Obsidian's latest so interesting
SILENT HILL 2 REMAKE • Whisper it, but Bloober might have pulled this off.
PHANTOM BLADE ZERO • Less Sekiro, more Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
WARHAMMER 40K: MECHANICUS 2 • Primed to bridge the gap between wargame vets and tactics fans
DELIVER AT ALL COSTS • Pure, destructive chaos is pure, destructive fun
COMMANDOS: ORIGINS • Taking stealth tactics back to boot camp
DEADLOCK • Valve's new MOBA could be your next 1,000-hour game
A KNIGHT'S TALE • How KINGDOM COME: DELIVERANCE II, the most ambitious medieval RPG ever made, is taking in-game realism and player immersion to wondrous new heights.
MEDIEVAL METROPOLIS • A look at KC:DII's huge new town of Kuttenberg
WEAPON MASTER • Speaking with design director Victor Bocan
RETURNING FAMILIAR FACES • Henry can look forward to hanging with…
Heart stealer
This month's Force-sensitive reviewers…
FAR FAR AWAY • STAR WARS OUTLAWS succeeds at the little things, but not much else shines
THE BADDIES • Meet the crime bosses of the Outer Rim
BIG IRON • Breaking down Kay's blaster
YELLOW CARD • Flawed deckbuilder DUNGEONS AND DEGENERATE GAMBLERS rarely plays a winning hand
CARD SHARK • Some of the best cards to watch out for
STARSTRUCK • SINS OF A SOLAR EMPIRE 2 is the best RTS in years and a great 4X to boot
CLASH OF THE TITANS • Bring out the big guns
THE SINNERS • Faction roll call
GODS AND MONSTERS • AGE OF MYTHOLOGY: RETOLD modernises a classic RTS with care
OH HAPPY DEUS • Three of the most entertaining deities
LEVELED UP • A new era for the 20-year-old MMO in WORLD OF WARCRAFT: THE WAR WITHIN
BIGGER WORLD • A survey of The War Within's new zones
EVIL ELF • Who exactly is Xal'atath?
DIG IT • Minecraft meets Valheim in top-down survival crafting sandbox CORE KEEPER
GOING DEEP • More great underground games
SPACED OUT • After a strong first impression, WARHAMMER 40K: SPACE MARINE 2 runs out of...